11 October 2011

Graves of the Golden Bear:Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley by Rick Osmon

We'd like to announce the release of Rick Osmon's first book, The Graves of the Golden Bear: Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley in digital editions. Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook editions were released on Columbus Day. Other major eBook formats may be found at this title's Smashwords listing. A print edition will be issued before the end of the year. For current availability, please visit The Graves of the Golden Bear book page on our website.
Synopsis: What if our history books are wrong and Columbus wasn't the first European to set foot in North America? The Graves of the Golden Bears will challenge some of your core historical beliefs. From the earliest maps of the Gulf of Mexico by the Spanish explorers to the beginning of the 20th century, claims were made that a Welsh prince named Madoc brought thousands of colonists to North America centuries before Columbus. Though those claims were debunked, the claimants denigrated, and much of the evidence was lost or destroyed, some deliberately, the story lives on. Through shrewd and thorough investigation, this book shows that there is high probability and substantial documentation that four different countries knew the stories were true in general even if errant in details. None of those governments were or are yet willing to acknowledge the truth of such a mass immigration. This book tells why. In doing so, it also reveals some of the most appalling political intrigues in history. Prevailing and opposing political and religious doctrines are dissected and the reasons for such a huge, longstanding, and base coverup explained.

Using colonial era maps, modern computer and satellite imaging technology, historical accounts, official documents, archeological reports, and through collaboration with several other researchers the author found the sites of more than forty five ancient fortresses. In addition to the fortress sites that were known by the beginning of the 21st century, the author adds three more that were previously undocumented. The use of satellite imagery allows comparison of the strategic placement of the Ohio Valley fortresses and other ancient structures to those of the British Isles. The correlations of these sites are far greater than chance.

Also described in this text are artifacts, engraved stones, coins, arms, armor, and skeletal remains of Old World origin found in the greater Ohio, Tennessee, Chattahoochee, Virginia's New River, and Mississippi valleys. Forward by Scott Wolter, author of The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America

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