15 June 2015

GDP to Reissue Henry Lincoln's Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Chateau

We're pleased to announce that in the coming months, Grave Distractions Publications will be reissuing Henry Lincoln's classic work Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Chateau. At this point, Mr. Lincoln is planning on including new material to this text.  If you would like to be informed of the book's release date, please fill out the form at the bottom of this post and we will contact you with the details.  


Henry Lincoln Biography

Henry Lincoln has had a long and distinguished career as not only an author, but a television presenter, scriptwriter and actor as well. Most notably, Lincoln was a co-author of the 1982 New York Times bestseller, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. At the time the controversial The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail introduced a majority of the world to the shadowy secret society the Priory of Sion, a treasure hunt in the tiny French village Rennes-le-Chateau, and the theory that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail was also served as the basis for Dan Brown’s 2003 best-seller The Da Vinci Code. In the years since Holy Blood, Holy Grail was released, Lincoln has continued dissecting the mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau in such works as Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Chateau, The Holy Place: Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World, The Messianic Legacy (with Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh), and The Templars' Secret Island: The Knights, The Priest and The Treasure (with Erling Haagensen).

Serving as the basis for his written works, Lincoln wrote and narrated the following documentaries for BBC2’s series Chronicle: The Lost Treasure of Jerusalem (1972), The Priest, the Painter, and the Devil  (1974), and The Shadow of the Templars (1979).

Aside from his extensive book catalog, Lincoln is also known for co-writing three Doctor Who multi-part serials starring Patrick Troughton: The Abominable Snowmen (1967), The Web of Fear (1968) and The Dominators (1968) and the creation of the recurring character Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.

Lincoln lives in Rennes-les-Bains and currently is working on achieving the all of the research materials he has gathered in his quest to discover the truth behind in the village that’s held his attention for well over 40 years.

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