Ce Cole Dillon and the folks at Student Loan 411 LLC have created a book trailer for What You Don't Know About Student Loans Can Hurt You. If you're swimming with the student loan sharks, or know someone who is, let them know about Ce's book. It will help!
About What You Don't Know About Student Loans Can Hurt You
Do you think that everyone should go to college? If so, can you write
a check to pay for tuition and college expenses? If you can't write a
check, and you don't have scholarship money, then you are probably going
to be a student loan borrower.
Like most people, you probably
think that student loans are like all other financial products. They are
not. Student loans are not subject to normal consumer protections. If
you get in over your head you can't go to bankruptcy court to discharge
your loan. And if you default, your tax refunds, government disability
pay, or social security payments can be garnished administratively. That
means the government doesn't have to sue you to take part of your money
to pay this debt.
The student loan crisis occurs in the context
of people buying more education than they could afford and borrowing for
it. If you are buying a car, you don't buy a Mercedes if all you can
afford is a Chevy. But we don't think that way when it comes to
education. Affordability is the last question that gets asked.
After reading What You Don’t Know About Student Loans Could Hurt You,
you will know that the first question you should ask is "how much can I
afford". And if you have already bought college, and are now trying to
pay back your college debt, this book will tell you about innovative
government programs that will allow you a better way to pay back your
debt, so that you can pay for your life, not just your student loans.
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