09 July 2015

Coming Soon! God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to Achieve God-centered Thinking by Reverend Michael Carter

God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to Achieve God-centered ThinkingWe thought it was time to let everyone know that we're working on Reverend Michael Carter's latest book, God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to Achieve God-centered Thinking. In a departure from his previous books, best-selling author Reverend Michael Carter shares a month long course designed to reestablish your connection with your higher power. no matter what your conception of the divine. God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to God-centered Thinking reminds us that nothing separates us from God. It is only the habit of identifying ourselves with mental, emotional, and physical states and objective phenomena that causes and sustains the illusion of independent existence. At the core of our being, all knowledge of the infinite energy of Consciousness, sometime times referred to as God, and its processes resides within us. The daily lessons in God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to God-centered Thinking will clarify your awareness. Apply the recommended practices to unveil and bring forth your own essence, your own spiritual and innate knowledge.

Returning to his metaphysical spiritual roots, Rev. Carter is drawing from his own personal experience, and the wisdom he has gleaned from the ageless teachings of A Course In Miracles, Unity Christianity, Religious Science, and Eastern Religious Traditions to compile a spiritual tool kit for the lay person. Encouraging all  true spiritual seekers to look within, this 30 day calendar seeks to empower the individual to really embody the teaching that the Kingdom and Queendom of “God” exists within each and everyone of us, and that this realization is the key to the deep inner transformation we are all seeking, regardless of race, religion, sexuality, political party, or any of the other illusions and delusions this world has to offer. As the old African proverb states, “ If there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do us no harm.”

If you would like to be notified when God Consciousness: A 30 Day Journey to God-centered Thinking is released, fill out the form below or email us. Also you can follow Grave Distractions Publications on Twitter @GraveDistract, Facebook, Pintrest, or LinkedIn.

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